Hi, I'm Sara.

I help people tell their stories.

The meaning you make from your stories (and your life) is profoundly important. I want your story to help you thrive—not keep you down.

As a writer and creative coach, I help clients use reflective writing techniques to gain clarity, find meaning in their stories, and turn their past into powerful narratives for the future.

My previous clients and their books have become New York Times bestsellers and have won awards from Nautilus, Bloomsbury, Axiom, Reviewers Choice, Indie Excellence, and Independent Press. Their books have been translated into 30+ languages and are sold all over the world.

Creativity and personal healing are deeply intertwined. In harmony with my creative practice, I offer healing work using Andean traditional practices, which helps clients remove stuck energy and heal from life's challenges.

This holistic approach helps clients not only discover new facets of their stories but also experience personal healing and transformation.

Let's Play a Game...

Seven truths and one lie.

I'm a very boring person. All I do is read a lot of books and drink a lot of tea.

As a former criminal defense investigator, I've trudged through crime scenes and testified on the stand. As a civil rights investigator, I helped investigate claims and negotiate settlements.

Somewhere out there is footage from the early 2000s of a youthful version of me walking around a boxing ring, holding up a number card in the middle of a national championship boxing match. I may or may not have been a Hooters girl at one time.

My family and I once moved to Bali, Indonesia, where we discovered that arm-length lizards are a normal part of living with a thatched roof.

I taught yoga for five years to a small group of yogis. I was always proud of my retention rate—my students always came back and rarely missed a class.

I once worked with an ex-billionaire-crack-dealer who, once he got out of prison, needed help building his speaking and writing business so he could help his community. During our work together, we donated hundreds of books to prisons around the United States.

For a freelance writing gig, I once ice-picked my way up a frozen-over grain silo in the middle-of-nowhere Iowa (I made it all the way to the top).

So... which one is the lie?

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The Audience Comes Last

Accept the ambiguity and uncertainty of creating from a place of desire. We reach too quickly for certainty. We need to have things locked down and clear enough to explain to another person. We don’t like admitting “I don’t know,” especially when that other person probably thinks we should know (or when we think we should know).

On Calling

I've spent the last year tearing down, building, tearing down again, letting go, grieving the old, celebrating the new, and feeling more joy than I probably ever have in my life. What I let go, the universe gave back to me in a new and improved version, something similar but entirely different than what I had been doing before.

Liminal Space of Creation

There are two things that make me completely check out: sports events and church sermons. I had wandered into my own thoughts until I was snapped back to the present moment by the minister practically shouting: "The Bible says, 'Yea, though I WALK through the valley of the shadow of death,' NOT 'Yea, though I set up camp there!'"

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What Will We Do Together?



Click here to learn more about writing & narrative alchemy



Click here to learn more about energetic healing work

© Sara Stibitz | 2024

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